AB Transformations Inc - FAQ
What is Transformational Nutrition?
Transformational Nutrition is the new science of personalized health.
It’s the basis for the Transformational Nutrition Model, the first and only personalized nutrition coaching system in the world.
The Transformational Nutrition Model allows coaches to get to the root cause of a client’s condition – physically, mentally, and spiritually - and co-create a personalized plan that provides the client with effective results.
What this means is that you become a part of your own transformational journey, an active participant making your own educated decisions. With my support, you will gain an understanding of how your mind, body, and spirit work together to create disease and health. You will be empowered to take control over your own health, no longer passively doing whatever your healthcare practitioner tells you to.
Transformational Nutrition Coaching is NOT diagnosing, treating, curing, or healing any disease or condition. It is NOT prescribing, providing medical advice, nor making claims without a scientific basis. It is NOT administering medical tests or interpreting results. It is NOT mental health therapy, judging, nor consulting on what changes to make. It is NOT making recommendations, giving advice, nor mentoring.
How will I know you are the right coach for me?
During our initial consultation, we will identify if we are a good fit to work together. So, before you say "yes", you will have a sample of what the coaching experience will be like.
How do I get started in the coaching process?
If you are interested in beginning the coaching process, click here to schedule a complimentary "Fit & Free After 50" Breakthrough Session so we can further explore the details of the coaching relationship.
What can I expect from you as my coach?
- Respect your story and history, as well as the confidentiality of the agreements we make
- Provide safety, encouragement, and support in an environment where you can relax and explore
- Work with you on sculpting appropriate goals
- Create compelling and helpful homework assignments and actionable items that you can implement in your life
- Support you in taking powerful action toward transforming your life
- Give you input, straight feedback and operate as a sounding board
- Help you see your own responsibilities
- Help empower you to change, to challenge and support you without blame
- Be a partner in bringing out the best, the deepest, and the truest in you
- Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights
- Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness
- Be an on-going resource for you in accomplishing your intentions
- Maintain a high level of professional and ethical conduct
What do you expect from me as your client?
- Bring your story and ideas of what's possible to the table
- Come in with ideas about your goals
- Come in with an open mind, believe change is possible for you
- Come prepared to each session
- Work consistently on assigned homework
- Take courageous action to create transformation
- Cultivate a core honesty with yourself
- Commit yourself to intentions that are truly meaningful and significant to you
- Be open to my feedback, and keep me honestly informed as to what is and is not working for you
- Take ownership for your progress and your accomplishments
- Take financial responsibility for your coaching time. If you are unable to give two days of notice for a missed appointment, you may receive your coaching via email exchange.
My philosophy is that you have the capacity and the inner resources to approach your current life situation in a way that transforms your ability to have more of what you want and with considerably less effort.
Do you abide by a code of ethics?
As an ITN Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, I subscribe to the following Code of Professional Ethics and Responsibility:
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach must both individually and collectively, maintain a high level of professional and ethical conduct and relationship with clients, colleagues, members of allied health professions, and the public.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach must have an understanding of nutrition, psychological and spiritual aspects of nutrition, and the Transformational Nutrition Coaching Method to completely evaluate signs of imbalance or distress within the body.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, unless licensed pursuant to the Medical Practices Act of any state in the United States, shall not practice medicine which includes, but is not limited to, diagnosing, treating, or claim to cure any disease; prescribing treatment or medication; or recommending any operation or medical treatment.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach shall abide by any and all laws and regulations pertaining or relating to the practice of Transformational Nutrition and not voluntarily associate or work with anyone who does not abide by these laws and regulations.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid harm to clients, always demonstrating a concern for the rights, safety, health, welfare, culture, and dignity.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach will not hesitate to consult with other professionals or to refer a client to other professionals for needs that outside of the scope of the Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach’s abilities and/or law.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach will keep all information regarding clients in the strictest of confidence and only divulge such knowledge when required by law or authorized by the client.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach will continue to educate themselves on the latest information in the areas of nutritional science, nutritional psychology, and nutritional spirituality in order to best serve their clients and the Transformational Nutrition Community.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach will maintain honesty and integrity in all areas of work with clients, the media, and the public. No unethical, fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, or irresponsible statements or actions will be condoned.
A Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach may choose clients to work with based on their expertise and area of interest. It is up to the coach as to whom they choose to serve and must not neglect, abandon, or withdraw from clients until the relationship until the client is discharged.
The enumerations of obligations in this Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach Code of Professional Ethics and Responsibility are not exhaustive and do not constitute a denial of the existence of other obligations, equally imperative, though not specifically mentioned herein.
What if I sign up for this and decide it is not right for me? Do you have a money back guarantee?
Yes, I call it my "participate and get your money back" guarantee. If within the first month of our relationship you show up to the calls and participate fully in the coaching process, you can simply let me know this is not working for you and I will completely refund your money. To honor the coaching agreement and the coaching process, if you sign up and do not show up for your coaching sessions, do not do the follow-up work, etc, then I will not refund your money.
Are the client center and my data secured and safe?
Yes! In fact, there are 3 levels of security: provided to keep your data safe and confidential:
- Username and password protected;
- Verisign Security Certificate protects your data on this site;
- Secure pages (https://)
Is my information confidential?
Yes. This site is protected by a username/password system. You are the only one that has access to your information.
Can I contact you in-between our scheduled coaching sessions?
Yes! In the event that you would like support on something that comes up in between our meetings, you can post an inquiry to the Client Log and we can have "just in time" coaching via your Private Client Website.
How do I access your private client area and how do I log in?
Click on the Client Login link in the navigational menu of the website. Then enter the username and password that has been assigned to you. Don't have login information yet? Contact me so we can get an account created for you.
I have a password that I use for most of my online accounts. Can I change the password you assigned to me?
Yes. You will need to log in initially using the password I assigned to you. Once you log in, you can change your password at any time in your Client Profile page, that you find under the FORMS tab.
What if I forget or lose my password and login information?
If you simply forgot your password, you can still go to the Login page by clicking the Client Login link. Click on the blue link "forgot password" to the right of the "Login" button and, in the new "Forgot Password" window, enter your username and click on the "Continue" button. You will receive an email shortly with your password included.
If you misplaced both your username and password, contact me and I will forward you your information.
I’m trying to log in, but it will not accept my username or password, what do I do?
Remember that the login information is case sensitive, so enter it exactly like it was given to you. Also, type in your login credentials and DO NOT copy/paste it, as this procedure can include empty spaces, which count in a password, thus rendering incorrect. Again, if you do not remember your login credentials, you can contact me via email and I'll forward them to you.
What makes up a "Welcome Packet" and what do I do with this?
A welcome packet consists of some basic forms, documents, and resources that will help to get us started in the coaching process. By completing the information in the welcome packet, you are providing me with some helpful information, so that I know best how to support you, guide you and work together with you. It includes a "Client Profile" form, a "Goals" form and also a "Client Intake" form. You will also find our coaching agreement located in this packet. It is customary for you to complete these items prior to our initial coaching session together.
What if I need to reschedule my appointment?
It's easy. With at least a 24 hour notice, you can reschedule an appointment by using the online calendar system. Just complete the following steps:
- Log into your Private Client Website Area (Client Login).
- Click on the Calendar Menu.
- Locate and click on the desired block of “Available” times (or if you already have an existing appointment, click on the title of your existing appointment that you wish to reschedule)
- Click on the "edit" button and change the details of the appointment to correspond with an "Available" block of time.
- The calendar will update itself, you'll see your new appointment reflected and I will receive an email notification letting me know of the change.
How do I easily make my payments for my coaching services?
Each month you'll receive an invoice from my practice letting you know the amount committed to for that month. You can log in to the private client area, click on the Payments Menu and you will see any outstanding balances due at that time.
What are the various methods of payment I can use to pay for my coaching services?
When you receive your monthly invoice, click on the link at the bottom of the invoice to log into the private client area and click on the Payments Menu. Here you can enter your PayPal information and my system will automatically and securely process your payment. If you do not have a free PayPal account and do not want to open one, I can process your credit card payment through Quickbooks.